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Ultrasonic Can Magic So Used Cooking Oil Biodiesel 2

Posted By pas unik On 09:15 Under ,
Since studying at Nagoya University, Japan, for a master's degree in chemical engineering, this native son's Temanggung already focused on all sorts of alternative energy, including biodiesel. He even had time to spawn a patent in the country - in the name of both the professors.

Same as he did today, patents also form a complete proposal which was classified as industrial engineering. The difference is, the proposal now on ultrasonic biodiesel, but in 2000-2002, who worked the Great was the technology of urban organic waste gasification. "What many in Japan's garbage, there is no oil or coal, so we joined the research there," he explained.

Ultrasonic biodiesel or ultra-frequency sound technology as a biodiesel processing reactor itself is not new - even in their own country there are still many in the level of research. Originality of the proposed works Great Achievement in Youth Festival 2009 is he stringing together a technique that replaces the conventional role of the tank flow reactor with efficiency berpengaduk other parts of the biodiesel production process.

Efficiency is usually offered per section. "What I do is the overall improvement, ranging from the preparation, the reaction core, and the purification reaction," he said.

Raw material crude palm oil (crude palm oil / CPO) which could use a bad quality with fat-free acid (FFA) which reaches 20 percent or more. CPO as it is not appreciated by the big industrial exporters such biodiesel and Musimas Wilmar. "CPO is usually produced in small factories or oil palm plantations and the people burned out," said Agung.

In this proposal offers, Great also design a biodiesel industry that could produce up to 30 million liters per year - a production scale of the smallest in the industry classified as large. Here he lists the results of calculations that with ultrasonic technology, the total expenditure of Rp 19 billion will be back in 21 months.

How about wearing jelantah, if not profitable? "Of course advantageous to scale cottage industries. But, the thing is, if the supply of used cooking oil that will guarantee?" he asked. "I made these calculations for all major industries. No half-hearted."
Ultrasonic Can Magic So Used Cooking Oil Biodiesel Bag.1
Source : http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/iptek/2009/12/02/brk,20091202-211467,id.html

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