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Ultrasonic Can Magic So Used Cooking Oil Biodiesel

Posted By pas unik On 09:12 Under ,
Ultrasonic biodiesel, so the Great Sri Hendarsa introduce alternative types of energy that practiced during the last two years. Begins with research and wonder, followed by a batch-scale experiments, a complete proposal in palm oil use low quality or used cooking oil for biodiesel production technology, complete with its commercial aspects, was prepared and ready for use by investors.

"The result is very visible and useful for new players during the push-pull is to jump on the biodiesel business," he said when met at his office in South Jakarta, last Monday.

Since deciding to establish his own firm, PT Perkasa Agung Aozora, which offers engineering solutions process oil and gas production, in June, the Great did not succeed fishing investors. But at least the name and the proposal was echoed by Achievement Youth Festival 2009.

In the final round of festivals held in the office of the Ministry of Youth and Sports was just a week ago, the name was announced at the Court of 10 were eligible for prize money USD $ 15 million. He also was among the finalists who were encouraged by the jury led by Warsito, Chief Scientist and Technology Society of Indonesia, to immediately patented his work.

Great is one entrepreneur who pass among 20 finalists this year young achievers. Age, who just turned 32 years old at the beginning of last November, the festival's criteria, which set the terms of the youth in the age range 16-35 years. At the festival he was mostly competing with the students, also students.

When he met last Monday, the Great reveals that the real purpose of the youth he participated in the festival started reaping the results of achievement. A invitation has been accepted to participate in the forum to fill the place held Indonesian Petroleum Association of Specialist today and tomorrow at the Bandung Institute of Technology campus. "I got a place here," he said pointing a place in the exhibition accompanying diagram shows the forum.
Source : http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/iptek/2009/12/02/brk,20091202-211467,id.html

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