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Reaching Aburizal Engineer Organization Award

Posted By pas unik On 09:25 Under
Chairman of the Golkar Party will Ir Aburizal Bakrie was awarded a Distinguished Honorary Fellow of the Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO), a federation of organizations as ASEAN Engineer. Ical such as Bakrie, who is also the Advisory Council of Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) will receive this award in Santex International Convention in Singapore at 19.00 local time or 18:00 o'clock pm, Wednesday, 2 Desemeber 2009.

Award conference held in conjunction with the Association of Engineers as ASEAN (CAFEO), in Singapore.

In a press release received VIVAnews, Chairman Ir Airlangga Hartanto PII explained, accepted the award Ical, because the owner of Bakrie and Brothers Group is considered instrumental to the development of technology and engineering in Indonesia. Both while still acting as an entrepreneur as well as at the time served in the government.

Aburizal Bakrie is Indonesia's third person that received the award. Earlier former President B.J. Habibie and Yusgiantoro, currently Minister of Defense. Meanwhile, another character who never won a Distinguished Honorary Fellow of the AFEO former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and former Philippines President Fidel Ramos.

At the time served as Chairman of PII in the period 1989-1994, Aburizal Bakrie Engineers successfully enter Indonesia for thinking long-term development of the second phase (1992-2017), especially the development of human resources (HR) and technology.

In addition, under his leadership, PII, never giving an honorary degree to former Prime Engineers England Margaret Thatcher and German Chancellor Helmut then Cologne, and both are listed as honorary members of the PII.

In the leadership Bakrie, PII also managed to establish a professional engineer setting mechanism which consists of three categories, young, middle and primary. Determination mechanism is applicable to the present.

Apart Former Chairman PII, Aburizal Bakrie has also been Chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) the period of 1977-1979 and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Indonesia (Kadin) period 1994-2004. In addition to the award of AFEO, Aburizal Bakrie has also received awards from the Asean Business Forum as the ASEAN Business Person of the Year in 1997.
Source : http://bisnis.vivanews.com/news/read/110603-aburizal_dapat_anugerah_organisasi_insinyur

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