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President Obama orders 30,000 troops to Afghanistan in major escalation of war

Posted By pas unik On 06:11 Under
President Barack Obama has ordered a major but temporary escalation of the war in Afghanistan, sending an additional 30,000 US troops within six months while pledging to a sceptical American public that he would begin bringing forces home in July 2011

Unveiling a long-awaited speech that followed three months of deliberation, the president said his new policy was designed to "bring this war to a successful conclusion".

The troop buildup will begin almost immediately, with 9,000 US marines expected to be in place by Christmas in Helmand for an offensive alongside British forces against Taliban strongholds, according to officials on both sides of the Atlantic.

The president said he was confident that more Nato allies would follow Britain’s lead and supply extra troops, though only a handful have so far suggested they will.

“Our friends have fought and bled and died alongside us in Afghanistan,” he said in the address to cadets at the West Point military academy. “Now, we must come together to end this war successfully. For what’s at stake is not simply a test of NATO’s credibility – what’s at stake is the security of our allies, and the common security of the world.”

Mr Obama rejected criticism that he had taken too long to form his new strategy, after commissioning 36 reports and holding nine meetings with his national security team. There were no troops ready to deploy before now, he said. Continue

Source : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/6706189/President-Obama-orders-30000-troops-to-Afghanistan-in-major-escalation-of-war.html

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