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Sun HPC Presents New Technology

Posted By pas unik On 08:42 Under ,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.. announcing new products and technologies that make it still leads in the case of HPC, maximize application performance and results, and presenting a super building block for HPC systems.

In addition, Sun announced a new customer with the HPC through world-record performance and results that show the Top 500 innovations Sun system constant. Sun increased the number of access since June 2009 with a total of 11 consumption by nearly 2 PetaFLOPS (PFLOPS).

"Servers, storage and networks continue to show the performance of Sun HPC with a world record and provide building blocks for teens use Sun's new Constellation Systems throughout the world," said John Fowler, Executive Vice President, Systems Group, Sun Microsystems. Corporations and scientists using innovative Sun server and storage to get the benefits and deal with problems of the world's most difficult.

Sun presents a variety of its HPC technology on Supercomputing event, including servers, storage integrated, flash, network and software, as well as third-party solutions like UniCluster by Univa, which is ideal for HPC applications.

Sun also improve system performance Sun Storage 7410 Unified Storage by adding up to four six-core processor AMD Opteron processors and a new 2 TB drives. With more processing cores, twice the DRAM cache - up to 512 gigabytes (GB) and greater storage capacity - 576 TB / s, the system of Sun Storage 7410 Unified Storage and bandwidth performance presents a better system.

With innovative flash technology as a collection of Sun Storage Sun F5100 Flash and Solid State Disks (SSDs), new results show performance improvements up to 107 percent in applications such as MCAE generally MSC-Nastran and ANSYS

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