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Sri Mulyani: I often Scolded Century Problem

Posted By pas unik On 05:48 Under ,
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati realize that now, its position was shaken a particular party.

That, he pointed out in the closing seminar 'Inspiration and Prospect Investment Economics in 2010 at the Ritz Carlton, Tuesday, December 1, 2009.

Sri Mulyani is slightly hoarse voice, because the condition is not fit admitted lately often 'reprimanded'. It happened, because he was trying to save the Century Bank of the crisis.

"The attendance at this table realize that once a crisis occurs, but that is outside the table, they forget because of the crisis. This is why, I dimarah-Century marahin about the problem," said Sri Mulyani.

Sri Mulyani said, actually saving Bank Century he had become a problem because the two combinations of 'bad luck'. "First, because of the crisis. Second, manjemennya ugly," he said.

He was sorry, because in the beginning of the reign of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 2009-2014, there was a problem that is not desired.

"Indonesia is ironic, because in the middle of the victory of President SBY high with economic perfomen among the highest, at day 100 was rocked by the issue completely unrelated," he said.

In closing this presentation was, Sri Mulyani repeated several times how the history of this crisis situation.

"That's the blue (refer graph), it was during a crisis. In it, the Bank Indover that made me famous," he said.

Sri Mulyani also mention saving policies Century Bank. According to him because of the crisis, when the state-owned bank directors will get a good performance Tantim (bonus), he just got right Questionnaire.

"Gentlemen you can usually tantim, I'll be right questionnaire," he said.
source : http://bisnis.vivanews.com/news/read/110243-sri_mulyani__saya_kerap_dimarahi_soal_century

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