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Finance Minister: Anticipate Change 2010 Macro Economics

Posted By pas unik On 05:45 Under ,
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has warned that conditions perkonomian 2010 through the consolidation, so that financial institutions and investors are asked to be wary of macro changes in the economy by preparing a variety of anticipation.

According to Sri Mulyani Indrawati, the finance ministers belonging to the G20 will coordinate to withdraw funds previously poured into the market to pull back gradually.

"Therefore, for investors to be more aware of changes there in the next year by selecting a good investment portfolio. In the meantime, for financial institutions and banks to prepare for a variety of regulations, both locally and globally, which will be berpengartuh operational activities, "he said in the opening Investor Summit and Capital Market Expo 2009 at the Ritz Carlton Pacific Place today.

Finance minister added this year's financial markets are enjoying a splash digelontorkan liquidity by governments and central banks of various countries, the implication is one of the movement of stock market indices, stock prices and macro economic improvement.

However, he said, the current conditions will likely change after funding was withdrawn llikuiditas.

On that occasion, Finance Minister said he remains committed to keeping the economy in order to stay on the right track, although this time Indonesia was facing problems due to political noise Century Bank.

Source : http://web.bisnis.com/keuangan/ekonomi-makro/1id149481.html

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