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Understanding Memory

Posted By pas unik On 16:43 Under

Memory is the generic term for data storage in computers. Some types of memory used is as follows:

* Register processors
* RAM or Random Access Memory
* Cache Memory (SRAM) (Static RAM)
* Physical Memory (DRAM) (Dynamic RAM)
* The device magnetic disk-based storage
* The device optical disk-based storage
* Memory can only be read or ROM (Read Only Memory)
* Flash Memory
* Punched Card (ancient)
* CD or Compact Disk

In the discussion of computer architecture such as the von Neumann architecture, for example, memory capacity and speed are distinguished by using the memory hierarchy. Hierarchy is organized from the memory of the fastest to the slowest; arranged from smallest to largest capacity capacity; and sorted by price every bit of his memory from the most high (expensive) to the lowest (cost).
Source : Wikipedia

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