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Using Snake Massage | Amazing News

Posted By pas unik On 05:03 Under , ,
Many beauty salons vying to offer a variety treatmeant can satisfy customers.

As treatment offered one beauty salon in
Talmei Elazar, Israel. This place has a unique and strange ways to
pamper customers by offering the sensation of a massage using snakes.

At a place called Carnivorous Plant Farm, there are
a therapist who called Barak's snake to use
overcome stiff. Barak said he believed that human physical contact with snakes can bring a sense of relaxation and relieve stress.

Barak opened this snake massage house in 2006 and is now known throughout the world. Many camper-come just wanted to try a snake massage. This business has brought many benefits.

Barak is now often receive invitations to various places to speak about beauty.

Snakes used are California and Florida king snake, corn
snake, milk snake. Snake wrote used a variety of sizes, depending on
consumer needs. If only a light massage, simply use
snakes small size, tp if need massage more deeply,
such problems in the muscles, then used a combination of small size and the snake was.

First of all the snakes of this size (generally small snakes) will be sprinkled on the back, this cold-skinned ular2 will be crawling on his back as if to massage.

Some people have felt yg snake massage at the spa was admitted
satisfied and feel healthy. They called, felt more fresh afterwards.

Maybe it's because of the cold effect brought the snake. "Body like
compressed cold water, "said Meirav Stardinner, one of
consumer wrote the snake tried massage.

The price offered for massage services by a snake, quite expensive at around 40 poundsterlng or about 70 dollars. But so many people willing to pay for a new sensation plus a healthy body. No wonder since the opening, in 2006, many people are interested to try it. Just knowing this spa services are unique and there jaranga in the world. People pay dearly for daring to feel how the snakes were not venomous through her body.
Source : http://www.poskota.co.id/berita-terkini/2009/12/03/memijat-menggunakan-ular

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