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Make Windows 8, Microsoft Start Recruit HR

Posted By pas unik On 11:21 Under , ,
Microsoft began looking for employees to build the Windows operating system they are 8 to come. Currently the OS is in the 'planning and preparation'.

Vacancies for software developers was first revealed by NeoWin. "We had just finished work on Windows 7, and are moving into the planning and preparation Windows 8," called the announcement of job vacancies listed on Microsoft's career site and copied by CodenameWindows site.

"As part of this team, you will help shape the Windows 8," called the announcement. "Components are included in our code is the core that runs as an NT service, the API layer, and the application UI."

Last month, Robert Morgan, an employee who becomes part of the research and development team Microsoft inadvertently exposing details about the software giant plans for Windows Windows 8 and even 9 through business social networking sites, namely LinkedIn. As he put all his post as Senior Research and Development at Microsoft.

At that, although the profile has been removed from the site LinkedIn, but it still can be seen from the cache of Google's search results. There he says, "working in a special team to research and development involving strategic plan for the project medium and long term."

Microsoft itself says that according to the schedule, they will release a new version of Windows for desktops every three years. This means that Windows will be present at the 8-year 2012.
source : http://teknologi.vivanews.com/news/read/106839-bikin_windows_8__microsoft_mulai_rekrut_sdm

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