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Finance licenses pull back 'brokers' insurance

Posted By pas unik On 08:39 Under , ,
JAKARTA - Toward the close of 2010, the Minister of Finance again revoked the business licenses of business supporting the insurance companies. Through the Minister of Finance Decree No. KEP.409/KM.10/2009 November 2, 2009, Ministry of Finance formally revoke the business license of PT Jaya Insurance Broker.

Company revocation comes into force from the date of the establishment of the company KMK.

Note course, the end of this year is the application of sanctions for brokerage firms that do not meet the minimum capital provisions of Rp1 billion.
Source : http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70964:menkeu-kembali-cabut-izin-broker-asuransi&catid=18:bisnis&Itemid=95

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