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Experts: Threats Virus Slows Access "Facebook"

Posted By pas unik On 09:41 Under , ,
The threat of a virus is suspected to trigger the deceleration operator network social networking and search data on the internet, as the high number of service users such as "facebook", "yahoo", "google", "twitter", and type in the world.

"The speed of data access that does not match expectations possible for` attack Denial of Services / DOS `from intruders or viruses, so that the resulting drop service performance," said Head of Network-Based Computing Laboratory, Department of Information, FTIF Ten November Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS) , M. Husni, Tuesday.

According to him, usually the time required to correct the weakness of such access was not until 12 hours.

"Improvement for the given power of Information Technology (IT) to analyze and make` scan `to all the` port `," he said.

However, he explained, in general, the data stored in a number of operators such as "yahoo", "google", "facebook", "twitter", was safe or not lost, there is even the possibility that operators use for their own use.

"For that, it's good regular service user is diligent to` `backing up data. Do not store confidential data in the service without any guarantee," he said.

Instability associated access number service some time ago, he admitted, the condition could be caused by the high number of service users in the world and use for the "mailing list" widespread.

"This incident could also because they use a mail server clustering` `ie a distributed network of electronic mail` email `his lot and spread despite its location, unique email address eg user@yahoo.com," he said.

This, he added, will have an impact on traffic flow of "traffic" was to cause "e-mail" that enter into the letter box line in "congestion".

"Other risks can eliminate the data that the user owned services," he said.

The incident, he added, was an impact on national economic conditions. The service user which address in a particular service becomes uncomfortable in the continued performance, especially among businessmen.

"Moreover, when access` email `sometimes received exceeds the expected time," he said.

Source : http://www.antara.co.id/berita/1259684143/pakar-ancaman-virus-memperlambat-akses-facebook

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