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Understanding Processor

Posted By pas unik On 15:25 Under
Processor is often referred to as the brain and the computer control center that is supported by other kompunen. Processor is an IC that controls the entire course of a computer system and used as a center or brain of the computer that functions to perform calculations and run the task. Processor socket is located on that provided by the motherboard, and can be replaced with another processor provided in accordance with the existing socket on the motherboard. One of the very large influence on computer speed depending on the type and capacity of the processor.

Processor is a chip that is often called "Microprosessor" which now has reached processor1ukurannya Gigahertz (GHz). The measure is a count of processor speed in processing data or information. Brand processor is much outstanding dipasatan AMD, Apple, VIA Cyrix, IBM, IDT, and Intel. Part of the processor most important part of the processor 3 is divided as follows:

* Aritcmatics Logical Unit (ALU)
* Control Unit (CU)
* Memory Unit (MU)

Source : http://babesajabu.wordpress.com/2009/06/17/pengertian-dan-jenis-processor/

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