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Facial With Babies Placenta Make Great Skin

Posted By pas unik On 10:31 Under ,
New York, Trends facials using human placenta has become popular in America and the Hollywood. Although that sounds weird, but experts believe that the placenta baby may tighten, and regenerate the skin look younger.

Cosmetics experts say that the placenta will have a better efficacy if taken or placed directly in the body. But who would want to drink the liquid that comes from the placenta in the womb of the woman, although it can make the skin firm and healthy.

Therefore, the placenta is finally used as a facial or a mask in beauty spots. Placental fluid mixed with some other cream and then applied to the face for a while. Although the smell a bit strange and not pleasant, but many women who believed that the placenta facial treatment is efficacious.

Not only women who believe in the efficacy of the placenta, the men had started to try it too. Robin van Persie is, from the Arsenal striker who has felt the effects of the placenta.

Players from the Netherlands who are suffering from tissue damage to the wrist joint was heard from one of the fans who said that there was a Serbian woman who can massage and repair the joint.

When approached, the woman was using a horse placental fluids for massage purposes. Mariana Kovacevic, the masseuse, was using placental fluid to cure two patients.

And the result, only takes a week to heal the patient, but if you use the procedure from the doctor takes a month. Since then, many people who believe in the power of the placenta.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, a chef who believe in the efficacy of the placenta was trying to serve food from the placenta to celebrate the birth of her first daughter. He took the placenta of his new wife gave birth, and then refine it and put the mixture in a food ingredient.

"The placenta is more than just padding for the baby in the womb, but the placenta is also rich in protein, zinc and iron," said a nutritionist, Susannah Lawson was quoted as saying by Dailymail, Friday (20/11/2009).

Lawson said, maybe this is what causes most animals to eat placentophagia or activity of the placenta after birth.

"Iron content is very useful high for women who are experiencing trauma or a lot of blood loss after birth. Zinc is also important to fill the loss of many maternal zinc given to children as a substance for the body's immune," said Lawson.

The placenta contains a hormone that stimulates the growth of a known network capable of removing wrinkles. Placental extract in the form also serves to help improve the skin's ability to absorb oxygen, menstimulisasi cell metabolism, and increase cell reproduction. Even placenta immunostimulator properties or immune system stimulants.

The use of extracts of the uterus (placenta) is not new actually. Material was used as one ingredient in cosmetics, the first time in the 1940s. But now, the trend was sticking out more and more interested in women.

However, the placenta is lawful Indonesian Ulema Council as a cosmetic ingredient is derived from the placenta kosher animals, while the man is considered unlawful.

source : http://health.detik.com/read/2009/11/20/081629/1245338/766/facial-dengan-plasenta-bayi-bikin-kulit-kencang?993306755

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